Friday, July 13, 2012

Investing in Women

In her talk for TEDxWomen (below), author and journalist Gayle Tzemach Lemmon creates a profound argument for investing in women entrepreneurs: It's not about doing good, but about global growth. Lemmon asserts that women are overlooked as key economic players, too often pegged with the narrative of the victim, rather than the survivor...the exception, rather than the example. 


The benefits of providing economic opportunity for women are hardly new concepts. From the work of Mohammed Yunus, to Nicholas Kristoff and Sheryl WuDunn, to USAID (see the infographic below), there is plenty of evidence to suggest that investing in women benefits individuals, families, communities, and countries, particularly in post-conflict and developing areas. Investing in women is a no-brainer.

Why, then, does it remain difficult to invest in women? Are there factors outside the simple pathway of supply and demand which affect the growth of a woman's business? Sexism? Racism? Paternalism? Lack of legal framework? Lack of health resources?

What do you think?

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